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P.S. A few early comments to posts did not get online because I hadn't figured out how to do it yet. My apologies to you if that happened.
Recent News Briefs:
Even if you have normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels, you are subtracting years from your life if you are too fat. That is what the latest studies show. Full story. . . . - SEX IMPROVES PUBLIC SPEAKING
Here is proof that all news is not bad news. Full story. . . . - FRUITS & VEGETABLES CUT STROKE RISK
More good news: Full story. . . . - THE MONTHLY PILL WATCH
Brazilian Diet Pills: This is new one on me. Full story.
Remember that most diet and "anti-aging" pill advertising is cleverly worded deception. Get truthful information from a physician you trust, a pharmacist, or registered dietician.
Don't get taken!